Working with Companies
We work with many companies given the applied nature of AI Business. Partially this involves developing training programmes, and we also have joint research initiatives to enable companies to understand the many complexities of implementing AI technologies. This is something that is mutually beneficial: we learn a lot from these collaborations, and it is evidentially something that works for companies. Below are some details on potential collaboration opportunities.
Bespoke training in AI Business
Bespoke training in AI Business
As the most international business school in France, and the first AI Business research center, we have the expertise to deliver a wide range of applied training in AI Business. This can be tailored to your firm's specific needs and will normally consist of partnership delivery with one of our technical education partners. Please contact us to discuss this. We also have regular delivery of training courses held within the school that anyone can apply to attend.
Potential research collaboration projects:
What follows is a list of current suggested projects developed by researchers in the AI Business area of excellence, where we would find it particularly interesting to collaborate with companies given the potential for mutual benefit and deep insights from working together on these projects. Either the area director can be contacted through our contact details, or the individual researchers using email system of firstname.lastname@rennes-sb.com. We are, of course, always open to suggestions for new collaboration ideas.